Created by a Polyglot, Tested by 5000+ People

Speak a New Language with Confidence in 28 Days. Guaranteed.

The Fastest, Most Natural and Science-Backed Language Acquisition Method.
Get ready for an adventure, not a language course.

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With LMA Method, Say Goodbye to:

Swipe-And-Forget Language Apps

Let’s face it: no cultural context, trivial vocabulary, gamification that skips deep learning, and zero real-life interaction…

A Ton of Reading Material & Grammar Drills

Stacks of required reading that together with your busy lifestyle makes you go loco (or grammar drills from ancient textbooks).


… Every time you try to speak at a table full of foreigners.

Boring Grammar Drills

Ciao to study materials that don't speak to your soul or lead to mental burn out.

The Idea You’re Too Old for New Languages

… Or that kids learn faster than adults. We’ve tested and proved: adults learn new languages 50-100x faster than children!

Flashcards and Obvious Tips

Been there, done that, didn’t work. Try the natural way of learning—and never look back.

Sounding Like a Robot

Get ready to part ways with your inner R2-D2.

Not Enough Focus on The Speaking Part

The endgame of the LMA Method is to get you speaking with confidence. Not adding new words in [your new language] library.

Poor Engagement by the Language Tutors

Language tutors who focus more on ‘checking the boxes’ of the promised content than on your actual progress.

‘The 'One-Size-Fits-All Course'

… That feels mismatched to your language level, personal goals, and motivations.

Learning vs. Acquiring New Languages

We Bypass Teaching…
to Get you Speaking FAST

Yes, there’s a difference—and it’s a big one. Most language schools and courses try to teach you new languages by focusing on endless word memorization and grammar drills. But guess what? This teaching approach misses the mark.

Science-backed, revolutionary method to acquire new languages

We hear your thoughts: “Wait, the whole school system of teaching languages is wrong?” Yes, and we have 5000+ people to prove it, plus the science to back it up. The LMA Method aligns with the natural, evolutionary process by which the human brain acquires new languages.

Sound like a native—even without speaking perfectly

When a language is “acquired” it becomes a part of you. This means, when you acquire a language, you sound like a native, even when you don’t speak perfectly. If your goal is to sound natural (not like a robot), and reach fluency in a foreign language… Then it’s time to flip the script on what it means to “learn” languages.

The most natural way to speak new languages…

…is not about looking and memorizing random words. Instead, it’s about letting the language seep into your brain by engaging with content and people you genuinely care about. This approach mirrors how you learned your native language as a child and is the key to jumpstarting your pathway to native-like fluency.

“No one has ever reached a near-fluent level in a language without really being connected to someone. To create a breakthrough in a language, at least 8 hours of genuine human connection is essential.”

~ Matej K. M. Sedmak, polyglot and founder of the LMA Method

A Massive Mistake Schools and Language Courses Make is “Cold Language Input

Feeding you trivial words you couldn’t care less about, delivered by people you wouldn’t even grab a coffee with—this is the essence of cold language input. (And yes, AI language coaches fall into this category too.)

If your brain doesn’t care—language stays outside

Unless you enjoy the conversations with your language partner, … or you can’t wait to watch a video clip, … or can’t wait to read the textbooks… fluency will remain in a galaxy far, far away.

We all know one person who said: “I learned Italian (or English, or Spanish) by watching TV.” How could TV have done it better than “Prof. Textbook”, with a master’s degree in Italian?

The only way to ever achieve language fluency

…is by engaging with people and content you genuinely enjoy—just like when watching your favorite TV show. Nobody cares about ‘the black dog who barked at the brown cat’ type of content in school books; your brain tunes out just like it would during a boring TV program.

The same goes for learning a language—if you don’t have a genuine connection with your language tutor or the material is dull, fluency in a foreign language will remain a distant dream.

Our founder has met hundreds of multilingual people and several polyglots. Not one of them has achieved fluency without a real connection to someone who speaks the language.

Get a Front-Row Seat of LMA Language Adventures Through Their Stories

“Two months ago, I could barely speak for 30 seconds in Korean. Now, I’m talking for 10 minutes straight!
It’s been an incredible journey with LMA, and this video shows just how much progress you can make with consistency and the right support.  Now I can cover a variety of topics and speak off the cuff!”



“I absolutely loved my adventure! I was never confident enough to actually speak French, but now even my husband—a translator—has noticed that I can truly speak French now! I can hold a conversation with anyone and about anything after just 1 adventure.”



“When I listened to my first recording of myself speaking before joining LMA and compared it to now, I was shocked, to be honest!”



“I’m now able to hold 30- or even 40-minute conversations entirely in Spanish and at a pretty high level.”



“One of my goals was to be able to have conversations with my husband’s family, who are Korean, and now I actually can. My husband no longer has to translate for me!”



“I have a theory, a new way to understand what LMA is really doing. Acquiring a new language isn’t simple, in fact, it’s very difficult, which is why 99% of people never continue. I was the same with Spanish, but not anymore. Now it feels doable to actually become fluent. At first, it seemed like too high of a mountain to climb. This breakthrough you get with LMA is what prevents 99% of people from ever truly acquiring a language



How Can a Language Acquisition Method Jumpstart Progress 477% in 28 days?

LMA Adventurers (what we call our students) do not only see an improvement in their level of language… they see a breakthrough.

If their language proficiency was at 10% when they started their Adventure, by the end, it typically reaches 50% or even higher.

We don’t rely on grammar or vocabulary tests to assess this—we did this in the past. However, after years of trials, we developed the most effective process, tested on thousands of students. First, our adventurers speak in the language to the best of their current ability. Then, they describe their specific language skill goals. Finally they provide an estimate of their current level—no overthinking, just a spontaneous guesstimate. Having this reference point allows us to develop a plan to fill the gap.

How does the LMA result in this massive 477% leap?

See, the two approaches—learning and acquiring—use completely different processes and brain parts.

Traditional learning approach

In fact, most language learning approaches overlook key brain areas crucial for speaking a new language. These areas are most active during traditional learning experiences ;

LMA language acquisition approach

Every moment you spend with us is optimized to build linguistic competence. The language acquisition approach focuses on creating the ideal environment for your brain to acquire a language naturally. It activates all the key brain areas needed to produce the forces that catapult you towards fluency…

The Backbone of LMA Method:

5 Forces of Language Acquisition

Now, how does this all tie together? The most important thing you need to know is this 👇

Language is more than a compilation of words, rules and sentences

Most courses treat a language as if it’s a compilation of words, rules and sentences (which, to be honest, feels so crude). And they fail so badly because language acquisition is not a linear process. With the LMA method, everything in our curriculum is a “YES” to your question “Does this help me speak in the chosen language?

Crucial insight behind every polyglot

The crucial insight behind every existing polyglot out there is: Language is composed of memories, experiences, emotions you felt in this language and phrases that are tied to these experiences. There is not one polyglot in the entire planet who feeds their brain with new words, hoping they’d memorize them.

They all leverage at least three of the 5 fundamental forces that support them to acquire a language and achieve a native-like fluency.

Force 1


Yes, human connection is the number one push towards fluency in any language. There is no human being who ever spoke a language fluently without relating to another human being in this language (think about Latin—nobody in the world speaks fluent Latin). Having a tutor or a teacher is not a human connection… but a human transaction. This is why we invest tons of hours to find you a language companion that suits your personality—someone with whom you can hyper-relate, and experience one of those best-friendship moments… only in the target language. For a language breakthrough to happen, at least 8 hours of real connection time must exist.

Force 2

The force of MIMICKING

Language, much like music, is something we learn to perceive and mimic from an early age, naturally absorbing its rhythm, intonation, and expressions. Rather than focusing on individual words, we instinctively tune into language’s musicality. This is why we prioritize time with native speakers over grammar drills. By approaching language as we do music, you’ll quickly start to sound like a native speaker—where rhythm and tone make all the difference, even if every word isn’t perfect.

Force 3

The force of INPUT

This force emerges in the gap between hearing a new language for the first time—when nothing makes sense—and hearing it again, the second or third time after doing the required work to get to understand these messages. You experience the Force of Input when you do the right things for the language to shift from being just a jumble of sounds to something meaningful. For this transformation to occur, it’s crucial to not try to input individual words, but rather messages and the whole ideas. Why? Because this creates new knowledge and memories in the target language. The LMA Adventure plays with the question: ‘How much of the new language can we input in the shortest time possible?‘ Our founder built this approach on Stephen Krashen’s 1977 Input Hypothesis.

Force 4

The force of EXPRESSION

The Force of Expression is closely connected to the Force of Input, as it activates the material stored in your brain which got sedimented through the input of the language. During the LMA Adventure, the language guide gradually extends the time you have to express yourself, which is when you feel this force at its strongest. In traditional learning methods, speaking skills often lag behind understanding. In contrast, the LMA Method places expression front and center, allowing adventurers to start speaking right away—and to improve with each week. This force is also maginified by the Force of Human Connection, since a genuine bond between two people creates a natural drive to share. The Force of Expression is developed upon Merrill Swain’s 1982 Output Hypothesis, emphasizing the importance of active use (‘forced expression’).

Force 5

The force of COMMITMENT

Most people see commitment as something they need to achieve on their own, hoping that one day they will have the discipline to fully commit. However, we understand that the true power of commitment begins when two people form a partnership to reach a goal together—exactly what we do with you. This partnership creates a magnetic field where significant breakthroughs can occur.

“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”

~ Nelson Mandela, Former President of South Africa

From Hardly Putting One Sentence Together… to Activating Your Natural Intelligence

Here’s to BREAKING free from:

Freezing in real-life conversations

Wasting 100 hours on language apps, and still not be able to hold a conversation

Systematic and linear approach with grammar drills and words repetitions

Thinking that learning a language is boring and takes years

Low tolerance for uncertainty (which blocks language acquisition) and rising anxiety when it’s time to speak

Belief that you either have a knack for languages or don’t

Thinking that kids learn new languages faster than adults

And to FIRE up:

Confidence to express yourself with as soon as you hear your new language

After only 40 hours done within 28 days speaking freely with a native speaker for at least 15 minutes

Pairing you with a native language companion, and going on an immersive adventure tailored to your interests

Unlocking the natural intelligence of your brain and learning a new language… way faster than children

Using advanced methods to boost your tolerance for uncertainty and tap into your brain’s natural ability to learn languages

Trust in your own brain. A knack for languages is like a knack for breathing: everyone can do it naturally

Experiencing first-hand that adults learn new languages 50-100x faster than kids

LMA Method is Going to be Your Best Choice This Year, if You:

Belong to
Multicultural Families

Have family members from different corners of the world? Let’s make sure by next Christmas dinner you speak the language they understand—no google translate needed!

Want to Grow Professionally
and Need to Speak FAST

Yes: promotions, new markets, business partners and clients… all of this opens up to multilinguals! Gear up, as we’ll get you speaking before you can finalize your itinerary (or finish that business plan).

Are Planning to Move
to Another Country?

Can’t wait to explore new cultures, make friends, and enjoy the freedom of speaking [insert your language of choice] comfortably in your new home? We hear you!

“Identify” as the
Language Dummy

Think you don’t have the talent for languages—we believe know this is like saying you don’t have the talent for breathing—a big juicy myth!

A Naturally
Curious Creature

Feel curious about the revolutionary approach to learning languages and are a natural explorer of human potential? You found your place!

Don’t Want to
Sound Like R2-D2

Are willing to open yourself up and form real relationships (which is #1 condition to not sounding like a robot in a new language). Disclaimer: we hold no grudges against R2-D2…

What to Expect on LMA Language Adventure

If you have a bilingual or multilingual friend, they’ll probably tell you: ‘I’m literally a different person when I speak Spanish. I change.’ That’s because acquiring a new language is a world apart from trying to learn it —it’s about discovering a new way of being (and thinking) in the world.

So, LMA isn’t your typical language school—or a language app. It won’t eat up days of your life only to leave you with words that never come together in a complete sentence. Instead… we take you on a language adventure.

And like any good adventure, you come back as… (*drumroll*)… a whole new version of yourself. Exciting, right?

First Stop: A Discovery Call (about 30 minutes)

It’s our chance to connect, talk about your goals, expectations, the language you want to learn, your current level, and introduce you to the LMA method and all the adventure details. If we’re aligned and you’re onboard, we’ll match you with a language companion who suits your personality and with whom you can build a genuine connection.

The Groundwork: Meet Your Language Guide & Prep for Adventure

Your language guide is there to help you through pre-adventure prep (after that, you’ll mainly work with your language companion). With tools even used by the CIA and FBI (pretty cool), they help you break down any speaking anxieties and get you ready to communicate with a native speaker.

In Full Swing: The Adventure Begins

During your adventure, you’ll experience The Five Forces of language firsthand as you engage with your language companion. Our companions are trained and vetted to facilitate real connection—they know how to be open, vulnerable, and authentic. With their support and the other four forces, you’ll make it to…

The Endgame: Language Breakthrough

A language breakthrough is when you reach a point you didn’t think possible. If before the adventure you struggled to string together five sentences, by the end you’ll be speaking freely for at least five minutes in front of a small audience and have a meaningful conversation with a native speaker for at least 15 minutes. Your language breakthrough means you’ll be able to speak confidently and connect with native speakers—whether it’s taking a cooking class in Italian, talking fashion in Paris, or discussing Tulum’s best beaches.

“The limits of my language are the limits of my world.”

~ Ludwig Wittgenstein, Austrian philosopher

Trusted by 5000+ Bilinguals (and beyond)

Our Signature Programs

We offer two ways to apply the LMA Method.

The 28-day LMA Language Adventure takes you all the way to the language breakthrough. This means that at the end of 28 days you are able to hold a meaningful conversation with a native speaker for over 15 minutes, or develop your own flow of thoughts for at least 5 minutes.

The 12-month program is our LMA Language Expedition, which challenges you through multiple language breakthroughs, eventually crossing the threshold and experiencing a language quantum leap. In practice, this means language fluency and ability to continuously learn and improve your language level, without the need for third-party coaching, teaching, or training.

LMA Language Adventure

The 12-month program is our LMA Language Expedition, which challenges you through multiple language breakthroughs, eventually crossing the threshold and experiencing a language quantum leap. In practice, this means language fluency and ability to continuously learn and improve your language level, without the need for third-party coaching, teaching, or training.

LMA Language Expedition

LMA Method VS Traditional Language Learning Courses

LMA Method
Learning Courses Language Apps
Tailored to your interests and goals - -
Hundreds of hours of word memorization -
Personal language guide for the whole time of the program Sometimes -
Native speaker chosen to fit your personality (and you actually want to go for a coffee with) - -
Valuing your time and counting minutes to get you to speak—not months - -
Months of grammar studying -
Unlocking completely new ways of thinking -
“Language therapy” that breaks down the anxiety and fear from speaking in a foreign language - -
Goal is to get you to speak and sound like a native—not like a robot - -
100% money back guarantee in case you don’t speak freely for at least 5 mins after 28 days - -
98.6% satisfaction rate Rarely Rarely
Unlocking your brain’s natural ability to speak in any language - -
50+ languages offered
Before your Next Trip Abroad

First Steps to Speaking [Insert your Language of Choice]

Our 100% Money Back Guarantee

Although we’ve got over 5,000 students who can vouch for this method as the best in the language industry… research highlights traditional language learning is a shot in the dark… and polyglots who’ve reached native-like fluency through this approach…

We still offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with your progress.


Because our goal is for you to experience a language breakthrough—or even more than one. Anything less, and we haven’t done our job.

That’s why, if you fully commit to one of our programs—completing your personalized plan from start to finish—and still feel you haven’t reached the language breakthrough you anticipated, we’ll gladly honor our 100% money-back guarantee.

We’re so confident in the impact of our program that we know real engagement makes success nearly inevitable.

But if, after giving it all you have, you’re not satisfied, you can trust we’ll make it right.

More Breakthroughs by LMA Language Adventurers

Why aren't we Everyone’s Flavor?

Let’s Keep it Real (No Sugarcoating)

Yes, we’ll take you from stumbling over Korean words (or any other language) one at a time… to confidently expressing yourself. And if you think you’ll never hold a real conversation with a native German speaker, we’re here to prove you wrong. And yes, when you head to southern Italy, you’ll be chatting about caffè and pasta with the staff at your favorite restaurant.

But there are a few things you should know.

We’re definitely not everyone’s cup of tea.

Adventure awaits those who make the time.

Our 28-day Language Adventures may be short, but they require daily commitment. We’ll set up the playground and create the perfect conditions for your success, but you’ve got to show up and take advantage. You will need to put aside about 6% of your life during the most intensive part of the adventure.

No ‘half-assing’ on this ride.

Our 28-day Language Adventures may be short, but they require daily commitment. We’ll set up the playground and create the perfect conditions for your success, but you’ve got to show up and take advantage. You will need to put aside about 6% of your life during the most intensive part of the adventure.

Zero grammar study. Yep, ZERO.

If you believe grammar drills or word memorization are the keys to speaking a language, you may not enjoy this adventure. Grammar’s at the bottom of our list because your natural intelligence can pick it up on the fly once you’ve had enough meaningful input.

Commit like an adult, play like a kid.

Yes, serious commitment matters. That’s why we don’t work with children—only adults can handle the discipline required for 28 days. But don’t worry; the power of play is one of our top priorities. Are you ready to play, break the rules, and see what new possibilities unfold?

Do We Offer Every Language in the World?

We don’t. But most probably the language you want to master is part of our language library.

LMA Story: The DNA of our Company

LMA is dedicated to helping others expand their worlds by acquiring new languages.

The bloodline of LMA is a deep-seated understanding of what language is, joined by the recognition of the natural intelligence human beings possess.

More than just a structured system of communication—a collection of words, grammar rules, phonetics and pragmatics—language is asking to be approached differently. And we are the response.

Founded by polyglot Matej KM Sedmak, LMA as a method was developed over the course of 20 years, with its preliminary version successfully tested in Japan in the years 2014-2018.

Today, you can join the genesis of a language revolution. Exciting times!

Get Free Access to the 60 min Webinar on the Revolutionary LMA Method.

Spending an hour in our language lab will make you go: “Oh… it’s not that I don’t have the knack for languages! I’ve been trying to “walk” upside down!”

Curious Minds are Always Welcome! Answers to your Questions

The LMA Method is an immersive language acquisition approach, designed to mimic how human beings naturally acquire language. It doesn’t only help you to learn a new language, but to speak it with confidence. Unlike traditional courses that focus on memorizing vocabulary or grammar, LMA emphasises real-life experiences, real friendships with native speakers, and addictive personalized content with best protocols of inputing, to help you acquire a new language in the most natural, intuitive, and ultimately much faster way.

Absolutely! We can have our method tailored to your organization, while keeping the approach individual to each of your team members. Find the contact form for organizations here.

The LMA Method is designed to bring about a “language breakthrough” in just 28 days with a few preparatory weeks before and few integrative weeks after. For most people the process from start to finish takes about three months.

The LMA Language Breakthrough is a major jump in your ability to interact with native speakers and live in an environment where the language is spoken, that anyone can clearly see this is not just some improvement.

We measure this milestone in LMA Adventure by your ability to continuously speak about a topic for more than five minutes, AND to engage in a 15 minutes or more of a meaningful conversation with your language companion (who is a native speaker).
This breakthrough can be approximately correlated to reaching the A2 level in speech and listening abilities on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale for those adventurers who are unfamiliar with the target language.

For those with some proficiency in the target language, the success will be measured based on where you are starting.

The LMA Method is suitable for all levels, from complete beginners to advanced learners. It adapts to your current language ability and focuses on rapidly enhancing your speaking skills. After our discovery call we determine together how to apply the method to reach your goals and to fit your level at the moment.

The Language Adventure is a 28-day program focused on achieving a language breakthrough, while the Language Expedition is a 12-month program aimed at multiple breakthroughs, leading to a quantum leap in language skills and nearing fluency. The Expedition is designed for those looking to reach a more advanced level (B2-C1) in their target language.

The LMA Method leverages five forces of language acquisition (relationship, input, mimicking, expression, and commitment) to immerse you fully in the language. Through personalised, real-life interactions and intensive speaking practice, it accelerates your language learning to create rapid progress in a short time.

Sustained focus and time commitment spanning over 3 months or a year is too much for most folks in these busy times we live in. On the other hand, a shorter duration like 2 weeks is simply insufficient for your brain to form the needed connections.

This is why 28 days is the sweet spot. Not too much, not too little. It’s the amount of time people who are motivated to learn a new language can maintain focus, and dedicate 1.5 to 2 hours of daily focused effort, resulting in substantial progress. This is also the time frame where all of the 5 Forces of Language Learning work optimally.

We offer 50+ language combinations, ranging from popular choices like Spanish and French to more niche languages. Although we specialise in ten primary language combinations tailored for English speakers, there are other options available.

The primary language pairs offer a rich learning experience with both Adventures and Expeditions available. The primary language pairs include:

  • English to Spanish (European or Latin American)
  • English to French
  • English to Italian
  • English to German
  • English to Portuguese (European or Brazilian)
  • English to Arabic (Standard)
  • English to Mandarin Chinese
  • English to Japanese
  • English to Russian
  • English to Hebrew

All the 55 language combinations we offer:

  • Afrikaans
  • Albanian
  • Arabic (Eastern)
  • Arabic (Egyptian)
  • Arabic (Modern Standard)
  • Armenian
  • Chinese (Cantonese)
  • Chinese (Mandarin)
  • Croatian
  • Czech
  • Danish
  • Dari Persian
  • Dutch
  • English (from Arabic)
  • English (from English)
  • English (from German)
  • English (from Slovenian)
  • English (from Spanish)
  • Farsi (Persian)
  • Finnish
  • French
  • Hebrew
  • Hindi
  • Hungarian
  • Icelandic
  • Indonesian
  • Irish
  • Italian
  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Lithuanian
  • Malay
  • Norwegian
  • Ojibwe
  • Pashto
  • Polish
  • Portuguese (Brazilian)
  • Portuguese (European)
  • Punjabi
  • Romanian
  • Russian
  • Serbian
  • Slovak
  • Slovenian
  • Spanish (Latin American)
  • Spanish (Spain-Castilian)
  • Swahili
  • Swedish
  • Tagalog (Filipino)
  • Thai
  • Turkish
  • Twi
  • Ukrainian
  • Urdu
  • Vietnamese

Unlike gamified language apps that rely on spaced repetition and vocabulary drills, the LMA Method uses techniques that active natural already-existing forces of language acquisition.

Taking LMA language online program means engaging in real friendships with native speakers, get customised addictive content, and get the tools and practices that suites your language, your level and your goals — allowing you to truly start speaking the language, with a natural accent in matter of weeks.

This approach also targets completely different brain parts. The brain sections involved in language acquisition are all crucial for speaking language and for achieving fluency. Those most vital parts are completely ignored in traditional language learning approaches (like the ones used by language apps).

Language Acquisition is not a deliberate (un-natural) process of studying a language, usually in an academic setting, involving specific instructions. It is neither an academic discipline focused on analysing languages (such as morphology, semantics etc).

Language acquisition is the natural process through which humans develop the ability to perceive, comprehend, and produce language. This process is facilitated by exposure to linguistic input through genuine human interactions and engaging relevant content, coupled with forced expression to complete the cycle. All inside of a safe, intense and highly committed environment. This mirrors how children learn their native language. Just 50-100x faster.

The goal of language acquisition is always native-like fluency and not accumulation of vocabulary and memorizing grammar rules. Both vocabulary and correct usage of grammar are the natural consequence of language acquisition.

Because of the speed and accuracy at the LMA, we call our approach language hyper-acquisition.

No, the LMA Method works for complete beginners as well as those with existing language background. The program adapts to your current level and guides you toward your next breakthrough.

The Five Forces of Language Acquisition are:

  • Force of Human Connection: Capacity of humans to create real friendships with people around you based on what you have in common, mutual revealing of each other and exchanging favors (kindness).

  • Force of Input: Human ability to absorb the interesting and relevant content (movies, audio segments, stories) in such way that you gradually increase your understanding of the content.

  • Force of Mimicking: Natural ability and inclination to copy the music and movements of native speakers to a point of sounding like them.

  • Force of Expression: An innate force in people that transforms the intention to communicate something into a fully formed language, which is activated by a decision to say something in a language. In our case, there is a gradual forced output that lasts longer and longer up until we have you speak for up to 10 minutes.

  • Force of Commitment: A force which require at least two humans and creates a fusion that catapults people towards their intended results. Our team of Language Guides is absolutely masterful at it.

Yes, we pair you with both a language companion and a language guide who match your personality and goals. You can specify preferences, and our team ensures you are matched with someone you can build a real connection with. If you don’t feel the connection or we’ve made a mistake, we will change your team members.

In our company we have a library of almost every existing tool and resource to acquire a language and we understand exactly how to use it. Based on the five forces of language acquisition, we will compile set of engaging content, mimicking tools and recordings, as well as the plan how to use it, so that you can overcome any language barrier that has been on the way quickly..

Progress is measured by your ability to communicate fluently in real-life conversations. The goal is to speak freely for at least 5 minutes by the end of the program, with assessments based on practical speaking milestones rather than grammar or vocabulary tests.

No. Grammar is not the focus. We know that grammar will come naturally as you immerse yourself in the language. It’s the natural intelligence of your brain, to start connecting the dots, when approaching the language correctly. Instead of drilling grammar rules, you acquire it intuitively through conversations and context.

During the 28 days, we recommend dedicating at least 60 to 90 minutes a day to fully engage in the language adventure. This consistency helps create the immersive environment needed for breakthroughs.

If you do not achieve a breakthrough by the end of 28 days, we offer our LMA 100% money-back guarantee. Your success is our priority, and we stand by our promise of fast language acquisition.

The LMA Method programs are entirely online, allowing you to connect with native speakers and your language guide from anywhere in the world via video calls.

All you need is a stable internet connection, a computer, phone or a tablet, and a video conferencing tool – Zoom and WhatsApp to interact with your language guide and companion. The specific apps you will need, we will provide access for you, all you will need to do is download them from the App Store or Google Play.

Yes, the program is flexible, and you can reschedule sessions with your language guide or companion if needed, provided you communicate in advance.

Yes, we offer a 100% money-back guarantee if you’re not satisfied with your progress. Our goal is for every participant to experience a genuine language breakthrough. If, after fully committing to the program and completing your personalized plan, you still feel you haven’t achieved the progress you expected, we’ll gladly provide a full refund.

We’re confident in our approach—over 5,000 students and numerous polyglots can attest to its effectiveness. But if you give it your best and aren’t satisfied, we will make it right for you.

Flexible payment plans are available to make the program more affordable. We accept payments via credit/debit cards and PayPal, and offer payment plans of up to 36 installments.

Legit question. Firstly, we know that what we have is very different and thus incomparable to anything else in the industry. This is why we are happy to spend extra time to first educate you on what we offer during our discovery call, and then let you know what our pricing and payment plans are. We found that our prices are usually affordable to people with full-time jobs or business owners of small companies.

The prices also change as we tweak the process or tailor it to an individual’s needs. There are various promotions going on at different times too… So if your friend has joined the LMA adventure, please check in with us to be updated on the current prices as this time might be different.

We also offer various scholarships and partnership programs at different times if we need a person who is learning the language you are learning for the purposes of marketing and research.

(For Ultra-Curious Only)

Down the Rabbit Hole

Yes, it seems that what you get when applying a LMA Method is a language acquired fast. But in reality, it goes much deeper… Before we dive into that: not everyone is ready to explore at this level.

So, let’s get adventurous for a moment… and make a bet: if you’ve stayed with us this far, you probably are.

We’ve mentioned earlier—going on the LMA Language Adventure is not “just” learning a language. It’s about unlocking a new way of thinking. A new way of seeing the world. I.e.: the adventure mirrors back your own untapped potential.

Think about it this way:

What you get is an experience of a deeply primal and natural way of forming meaning as a human. It recreates those early moments of making sense of the world, when you first began recognizing meaning in what used to be just noise—like the moment you understood the word ‘Mommy’ for the first time.

Because at the end, this is what language is used for: to find meaning and to share your meaning with another, to exchange and to see how we can together perceive more, discover nuances, and explore the shared reality… or even create a new one.

It's about expanding your world, through acquiring a new language.

Allowing it to change you from inside out. The way you pace your speech, how you feel the words you speak, the way the new language enters you, touches you emotionally. No language has that power before you acquire it.

How does that work in practical LMA Adventures?

Let’s summarize the key points. Making a new friend through a shared language experience gives you the opportunity to learn about them in entirely new ways. Sounds that once had no meaning now carry significance through your interactions. In building this relationship, you essentially discover a whole new world that didn’t exist for you before.

And with that, you will discover one more beautiful thing about yourself:

Your own ability to transform, to renew and experiment with who you are… For our founder Matej (and the entire team), LMA Method represents a profound investigation of the potential of human beings. In fact, LMA was born out of the inquiry of what it means to be a human being. We believe there is an important aspect to our lives inside the word “being”. We all know what is a “human”, but we asked ourselves, what is the “being” aspect of us?

The potential that goes beyond the bones, muscles, emotions, mind…

Everyone who explores languages with the LMA Method is invited to experience the untapped potential of their (human) being.

What is awaiting for you on the other end is truly transformational and many people are left in tears when they truly connect with what they got.

Experience Yourself Through a New Language

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